Friday 13 July 2007

Things might be better

I haven't written on my blog for ages, but I think in some small ways things are looking up.

* I have my car back, hooray! I do go through stages of hating it, and it must have the world's tiniest engine, but who cares? It's my car, I have it back. Now all I have to do is gain the confidence to drive it by myself:S

* When I logged onto my blog, I found a lovely comment from The Cornish Cowgirl on my last post. "Sometimes life is crap. Take joy in the little things that you have control over." It made me smile, because that is exactly what I should be doing. Perhaps I should put it on a t-shirt, lol.

* I've discovered animal bread! (Post coming soon)

* I just feel a bit happier, don't know why because........

* The insurance company who buggered up fixing my car is playing up, now that we are trying to get back some of the money my mum and dad had to spend while I didn't have my car. Both them, and the Cowboy mechanics are lying through their teeth, just to try and get out of taking responsibilty. They offered me about £200 for them turning a 3 week job into a 6 month job! Grrrrrrr.

* Two nice people are leaving my workplace (Not that I blame them).

* And my weekend holiday has been cancelled because it is going to POUR! I understand that the weathermen/ladies can't control the weather, but why do they have to be so smug when the weather is awful?