Friday 9 November 2007

Getting that sinking feeling...

Turning on the TV this morning I was gutted to see the places I visited on holiday a couple of weeks ago under water!

This was Southwold:

It was lovely place - the huts along the front were lovingly painted and had twee little signs hanging above the door. There was this great metal clock/sculpture thing at the end of the pier that did something special every half hour (I don't know what though!) Plus there was a shop that selled lots of smartie-patterned stuff and woolly hats, and an over-priced restaurant on the pier. We sat behind the cafe's glass windbreaks and had some cake one afternoon - it was great watching the sea and seeing it in between the crack in the pier boards.

This is what Southwold now looks like:

I really feel for those hut-owners, their pride and joy being destroyed. I imagine that the pier will survive, but the little shops and cafe will be flooded, maybe even damaged beyond repair.
Having already witnessed floods (see below) of a different kind, I've got that kind of bittersweet feeling again.
I feel happy remembering my time spent in Southwold, but then sad that it's not how it used to be.

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