Friday 20 July 2007

It's not a perfect day......

Today, has been a baaaaaaaaadddddd day at work.
The office has been flooded again. We got flooded last August, but I was on holiday and didn't see all the turmoil. Being so far away, I did feel pretty useless at the time, but there was nothing I could do.

This time I watched the river outside our door gradually rise, the sky turn almost black, and the heavens open. It stopped raining at midday, but the river kept creeping skywards. It was actually quite by chance that we realised the village was flooding, because two of my collegues went out to get pizza, and found that they couldn't get out.
So everything was packed away, computers have been taken home, most of us were wondering how we would get through the water, and my boss was praying it wouldn't flood. Badger was very good and gave me a lift to my local train station (because I didn't have my car), although her "mini raft" as she calls it, cut out on her way to work, so there was always the possibility that we were going to have to push it home!

Unfortunately, I missed my train, so sat on a bench outside a chemists waiting for my mum to come and pick me up. I must have looked a right sight, all dishevelled with my scruffy coat, big bag, an envelope stuffed full of paper, and the mug I put my pens in. (I couldn't leave it, could I!)
Anyway my mum took ages as the bottom of our village was closed because there had been a fatal accident, and then we gave a lift to a harassed mum who couldn't get to the village school and pick up her little girl. She told her that that was the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for her! Awwww.

The latest is that the office is under 6 inches of water, and rising. We are office-less again, but this time we have no where else to go.

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