Monday 16 July 2007

What makes us British

It's often said that Britain doesn't have an identity any more - that we're such a mix of different people that we don't have any national spirit, but today (in one of the weirdest places possible) at Thorpe Park I felt that perhaps British-ness hasn't completely died out.

It's all because of those annoying theme park queues. As my dad said "the british are the only ones who would pay to queue" and queue we did. I spent half an hour waiting for X: NO WAY OUT, and 70 minutes waiting for Loggers Leap in line with people from every walk of life. The waiting was stupid because it was hot and extremely boring, but apart from the annoying man on the tannoy telling us NOT to sit on the fence (well if you had been standing for over an hour, you would want to rest your feet) no one was cross, or shouting, or fighting. Everyone just waited their turn, and accepted that they would get on the ride some time this year.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to go on Thorpe Park's new ride, Stealth (a rollercoaster that goes from 0-80mph in 2.3 seconds) because there was a 3 hour queue for an approx. 15 second ride.

On the way home, I heard someone chatting on their phone saying that they spent most of the say queuing, and only went on 3 rides! Now that would test my patience to the extreme!

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