Sunday 22 July 2007

Little Miss Sunshine

As I am writing this blog, I am sitting in the garden in the glorious sunshine (the wonder of wireless networks for you) and staring at the big, blue sky.

Anyway, I've finally managed to watch the two dvds I got yesterday. (Dad had nicked them after all that.) One was Music and Lyrics, the Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore romantic comedy (my sister's choice, not mine) and the other was a film called Little Miss Sunshine which I had seen a trailer for months ago, but it looked too kooky to amuse my sis.
Little Miss Sunshine is about a quirky little girl called Olive who gets put through to the final of the little Miss Sunshine contest when the winner of the regional contest pulls out. So her family all pile into their trusty yellow VW camper van and head for California for the competition final. But it's not all sweetness and light as each family member is flawed in their own way - her grandad has been kicked out his retirement home for taking drugs, her uncle has tried to commit sucide after his gay lover ran off with another man, her dad is a rubbish motivational speaker who is close to bankrupcy, her teenage brother has taken a vow of silence and hates the world, and her mum is just fed up!
Ok - it doesn't sound like a barrel of laughs, but it was rather cool, because it was different in a good way. And despite all the heavy issues that the characters were dealing with, it was still funny. So go watch it!

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