Friday 14 September 2007

'Ear, 'ear

I have been neglecting my blog lately, mainly because I have discovered facebook (which deserves it's own entry) but now I think I have time to write about my holiday, complete with photos (yes, photos!)

The reason is that the world has gone rather giddy because I have a middle ear infection. So it feels like I am writing my blog in a sailing boat or on a rather bumpy train. It was pretty scary when it started because I was up in London by myself on a workshop (this will also deserve it's own entry) , and today the doctor said that I could have attacks of wobbly-ness up to a month after it started . I am quite upset because I am missing a workshop today, but fingers crossed I will be ok for my last workshop tomorrow. (Although, after my mum had to race up on the train to come and collect me yesterday, I will have to be accompanied if I feel well enough to go.)

So now I have to sit very still to stop the wobbly-ness, which is a bit of a problem because I am such a fidget!

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