Tuesday 22 May 2007

Horrible Hair

My hair has traumatised me - the reason? I've had a hair cut. We've had to have a new hairdresser because our old one is busy, and although my old hairdresser messed up my hair, she was starting to get it right. My fringe is horrible, it is virtually vertical, and covering my eye which I hate. I know I sound like a right drama queen, but I don't want to look at myself in the mirror or even touch my hair at the moment. I would quite happily rip all my hair out if that made me feel any happier. (Although I don't think I would look nice as a skinhead.) My hair is one of the few things that make me look nice, and I don't know why, but it really upsets me when haircuts go wrong. I suppose it's not really the new hairdressers fault, but her chatter didn't exactly help. I told her that I didn't have any GCSEs or qualifications because of my knee, and her reply was, "oh so you're lucky to have your job then" like I was thick. Nice. Then she asked me about whether I was going out with my friends at the weekend, and whether I have a boyfriend. "No" I said. I felt like saying "I'm not in touch with any of my old school friends because once I was partically disabled, they didn't want to know, and no, I don't have a boyfriend because all the guys I have encountered so far are morons with the IQ of an amoeba, and why do I need a boyfriend any way because I don't need one to make my life complete."
Of course I didn't say anything of that, and make some excuses, as well as explaining why I didn't go out drinking. Oh dear, I do sound like I am putting her down, and she was a lovely girl, but her choice of questions wasn't brilliant.