Saturday 31 March 2007


I'm so used to answering the phone at work - saying the company name, transfer people if needs be etc. It's really hard to stop myself at home going into auto-pilot. However, the phone rang today. "Hello" I said (things going ok so far) the person on the other end wanted to speak to mum "I'll just put your through." Oops! What a dipstick I am! Perhaps the person on the other end of the phone thought we had a million phone lines, or that my mum had a PA.

She's still moaning!

On Thursday I mentioned that my sister was bugging my mum and dad about a trampoline. Three days later she is still going on about it! She could moan for England, and that is how she gets her own way most of the time. She does my head in with her whinging and shouting. I think she has to shout over her friends at school to be heard, so she thinks it's ok to do the same at home. It's not. It's annoying, and I don't like it.

Friday 30 March 2007

Love is......

Today I have learnt that (in some cases) love is not only blind, but deaf, stupid and in denial as well.

I have decided that if I never find true, everlasting love I shall buy a farm and become one of those sweet little old ladies who has lots of dogs or runs an animal sancturary. It's not that bad - I'd rather that than be tied to a creep who makes my skin crawl.

Hey ho, some people just can't be helped.

Wednesday 28 March 2007

Trampoline Tantrum

I got an email at work this afternoon from mum, who was tearing her hair out. My sister had come home wanting to practice on a trampoline for PE tomorrow, and she wanted my dad to either nick our neighbour's trampoline, get out our old one which has seen better days (which dad refused to do) or go to B&Q and buy a new one! When mum was writing the email she had gone outside and started jumping on the grass - stating that if she hurt herself it would be Mum's fault. How selfish is that? She's still in a mood, and we've had a big row, because I don't think it's fair for her to demand anything and everything she wants. Things have been said, and mum has walked out because she's had enough of our bickering. Fair point, but sometimes Lucy should act her age and not her shoe size!

Also, on a completely different subjects the doggies are coming to work with me tomorrow to show how dog-friendly we are, although dogs are really banned from the office since it has been re-done. I really hope they behave themselves, fingers crossed!

Monday 26 March 2007


At the moment I am really craving sugar. I mean I really want something like icecream, biscuits, something sweet and crunchy.
My body is intolerant to sugar, and if I don't watch it I'll become diabetic, which I really don't want. I've been pigging out lately, and I know I really should be good. I don't want to become diabetic like my granny was. I've known people who have died from diabetes because they wouldn't give up the food they loved.

It's really hard - people say I have good self control, but I don't think that's always true. It's really hard to say no to biscuits and stuff when they are sitting right in front of you. It's hard at work because we have take away days which are great, but I can't resist the bad food when it's sitting right in front of me. Not that I'm complaining. I love pizza days. My favourite is Pepperoni passion (without any veggies).

I must stop talking about food because it makes it worse. Mum says that it's good that I'm craving sugar because it means it's coming out of my system. Dad says I should eat more vegetables.

Secret Santa

My sister is busy writing our food shopping list, and top of the list is an easter egg. I thought she wanted it to herself, but she informs me that she is doing a "secret Santa" at school. I point out to her that it can't be a Secret Santa because it's not Christmas. Then I ask her how many people are doing SS. "Four", she replies.
So now it's a: Not Secret Santa Because It's Easter With Only Four People Taking Part.

I find this pointless, but she won't hear of it, and tells mum I'm picking on her.
Mum sighs, and tells her that she's not listening to either of us.

Sunday 25 March 2007

My little sis:')

I showed my sister what I wrote about her getting into college - she was v. embarrassed that I had written that stuff about her. Maybe she didn't believe me.

Whatever I wrote, she still thinks that blogs are boring - but then what does she know!

Lack of inspiration

While I'm writing my blog, I am supposed to be working on my distance learning course. I am so frustrated with it - it's unbelievable!

I do like writing (hence the blog) but when I sit down and start to write the words fail me. I get serious writer's block, but more to the point I would rather be doing something, anything else than have to sit down and concentrate. The weekends are supposed to be fun.

The rest of the clan have evacuated the building, and I'm looking after the doggies, so I should take this opportunity of peacefulness to study. I just don't want to!

I think I have started wittering now - my mum says I witter away sometimes, so I am going to shut up (in cyber terms) and try and do something useful with my free time.

It's still not fun though.

Chocolat - the film not the sweet that it

Last night I watched this really great film called Chocolat - it said on the listing that it starred Johnny Depp (which a good enough reason to watch any film) but it took an hour for him to appear in the film. How can you call that "starring"? Plus he was way down the credits, and Judi Dench who was also in the film could probably be considered a bigger star.

It's the little things that are annoying.

Saturday 24 March 2007

Meet the Robinsons

There's a new film out called "Meet the Robinsons" - it's nothing spellbounding, but I love the dinosaur that belongs to the baddie!

On the trailer, the baddie (who looks like Dick Dastardly) asks "Why aren't you seizing them?" And the dinosaur replies rather pitfully "Rirafraa rittle read, rand rall rarms" which translates as "I have a big head and little arms." It makes me and my sister laugh every time we see it!

It's v. obvious I am a rather sad person:)

See the trailer for yourself:

I am so proud!

My little sister has won a place at college today - admittedly she's not the most academic person in the world, but she is so creative that who could have refused her a place at any institute of education! I don't think I praise my sister that often - in fact I think I'm moody towards her most of the time and don't really appreciate her as much as I should. She is brilliant though, and although I think she is sometimes spoilt, I've actually realised she is really kind and sweet. I went off in a tizzy about losing my favourite bottle of nail polish and she went to the ends of the earth to try and find it. Then she painted my nails for me.
Maybe sometimes we think that people are one thing, but really they are nowhere near as bad as we thought they were. My sister is like that. Although there are just some people who are rotten to the core..............


I don't really know what to start writing about, so here goes. Well, actually let me come back to you, and think of something slightly interesting to say. I've already started two blogs which I got bored with really quickly, so let's hope it's third time lucky, and I can keep on writing!