Friday 15 February 2008

My stuff

At last - I have got my blog banner up! I worked out that the layout page is mac phobic, and so I've had to use an old pc laptop, which I am currently typing on at the moment. It drives me mad because it is just SO SLOW - but I actually really like using this laptop's keyboard. I'm not really sure why, but it's sort of clunky, and makes a great sound when my fingers skim across the keys. Although I tried a new Mac book keyboard (one of the great things about my work is I get to play with lots of computers, cameras etc.) which has individual keys spaced further apart. I didn't really like this, because I kept missing the keys. Ok, I think you turn officially weird (or perhaps extremely geeky) when you start comparing computer keyboards. I will stop with the weirdness.

I'm quite pleased about my new banner - it is REALLY basic, and it only took me about half an hour although most of that time was spent cutting out Lettie and then I had the dilemma of picking the right crown, and positioning it just so. (I think I lied when I said I would be a little less geeky *blushes*.)

Anyway, I really wanted to make my blog a little more individual - but it actually got me thinking what on earth a pbgv princess is? It was just some random name, slightly silly name I thought up a long time ago - but I think now I may have subconsciously named my blog after my dog, Lettie. Lettie is a PBGV, and she certainly acts like a princess. If you dare to sit on the sofa working on a laptop, Lettie will rest her head on the computer in a very awkward place, mashing the keys until you realise that the only thing that should be on your lap is Lettie.
She will also start panting pothetically when she is thirsty, until you, the water wench fetch her bowl, and of course her majesty believes she is entitled to every piece of food in the house. So I think her role is as the pbgv princess blog mascot is well deserved.

Other news: I haven't written on this blog in ages. Well that's not actually news, because it's very obviously that it's been neglected. So I thought, just in case anyone should wander into this realm, that I better give a quick run down of what has been happening with me: (I can't gurantee it'll be interesting)

* I suppose the biggest piece of news is that I have finished and passed my journalism course! Yay! You would not believe how glad I am to see the back of it:D
I achieved one A, five Bs and four Cs - I was little disappointed with how the boring the certificate is, but as my mum said what did I expect? I replied that I wanted a proper scroll with a red wax seal, bought to me by carrier pigeon. Hmph.

* Drums - I'm now on Grade 2. Today my teacher asked whether I would like to go in for a Grade 2 exam, which I am still undecided about. I'm not really that great with exams, so there's always the possibilty that I might crash and burn big stylee:S

* I am starting to drive again. I've worked out that it's silly being scared of it after my accident, and that sometimes you just have to charge at stuff straight on to get over it. Having said that it's early days, so I may go back to being a shrinking violet. As an incentive, I'm going to try and get a sat nav (and a road map) so I can go to more exciting places:) But the whole sat nav thing is another issue.

* Work - is only part-time, but it's sort of become all consuming. I've finished my training for that (yay) but I've recently taken on some more stuff, which include something that has been a big responsibilty. My admin stuff has ben extended to June, so I'll be in the job a little longer than I thought. But that's not necessarily a bad thing!

There's also been some stuff that has made me sad, and angry - but I'd rather not dwell on that right now.

My dad has just asked me whether I am writing my life history because I have been typing for so long, and I think he has a point.

Thursday 14 February 2008

PBGV Princess

My new blog banner:))

If only blogger would let me add it!