Sunday 9 March 2008

Blogs are good for you?

On the news it said that blogging is supposed to be good for you. Why? It is that you get a release when you blog about stuff that really drives you up the wall, or comforting when you blog stuff that you really wouldn't be brave enough to say in person?


It also said that most blogs become dormant about a month after they are created. Mum turned towards me when the newsreader said that. Guilty as charged.

Friday 15 February 2008

My stuff

At last - I have got my blog banner up! I worked out that the layout page is mac phobic, and so I've had to use an old pc laptop, which I am currently typing on at the moment. It drives me mad because it is just SO SLOW - but I actually really like using this laptop's keyboard. I'm not really sure why, but it's sort of clunky, and makes a great sound when my fingers skim across the keys. Although I tried a new Mac book keyboard (one of the great things about my work is I get to play with lots of computers, cameras etc.) which has individual keys spaced further apart. I didn't really like this, because I kept missing the keys. Ok, I think you turn officially weird (or perhaps extremely geeky) when you start comparing computer keyboards. I will stop with the weirdness.

I'm quite pleased about my new banner - it is REALLY basic, and it only took me about half an hour although most of that time was spent cutting out Lettie and then I had the dilemma of picking the right crown, and positioning it just so. (I think I lied when I said I would be a little less geeky *blushes*.)

Anyway, I really wanted to make my blog a little more individual - but it actually got me thinking what on earth a pbgv princess is? It was just some random name, slightly silly name I thought up a long time ago - but I think now I may have subconsciously named my blog after my dog, Lettie. Lettie is a PBGV, and she certainly acts like a princess. If you dare to sit on the sofa working on a laptop, Lettie will rest her head on the computer in a very awkward place, mashing the keys until you realise that the only thing that should be on your lap is Lettie.
She will also start panting pothetically when she is thirsty, until you, the water wench fetch her bowl, and of course her majesty believes she is entitled to every piece of food in the house. So I think her role is as the pbgv princess blog mascot is well deserved.

Other news: I haven't written on this blog in ages. Well that's not actually news, because it's very obviously that it's been neglected. So I thought, just in case anyone should wander into this realm, that I better give a quick run down of what has been happening with me: (I can't gurantee it'll be interesting)

* I suppose the biggest piece of news is that I have finished and passed my journalism course! Yay! You would not believe how glad I am to see the back of it:D
I achieved one A, five Bs and four Cs - I was little disappointed with how the boring the certificate is, but as my mum said what did I expect? I replied that I wanted a proper scroll with a red wax seal, bought to me by carrier pigeon. Hmph.

* Drums - I'm now on Grade 2. Today my teacher asked whether I would like to go in for a Grade 2 exam, which I am still undecided about. I'm not really that great with exams, so there's always the possibilty that I might crash and burn big stylee:S

* I am starting to drive again. I've worked out that it's silly being scared of it after my accident, and that sometimes you just have to charge at stuff straight on to get over it. Having said that it's early days, so I may go back to being a shrinking violet. As an incentive, I'm going to try and get a sat nav (and a road map) so I can go to more exciting places:) But the whole sat nav thing is another issue.

* Work - is only part-time, but it's sort of become all consuming. I've finished my training for that (yay) but I've recently taken on some more stuff, which include something that has been a big responsibilty. My admin stuff has ben extended to June, so I'll be in the job a little longer than I thought. But that's not necessarily a bad thing!

There's also been some stuff that has made me sad, and angry - but I'd rather not dwell on that right now.

My dad has just asked me whether I am writing my life history because I have been typing for so long, and I think he has a point.

Thursday 14 February 2008

PBGV Princess

My new blog banner:))

If only blogger would let me add it!

Saturday 15 December 2007

Heigh Ho!

OK - my new year's resolution is not to moan or gripe, or whinge on my blog. It's a bad, bad habit which I should really stop!

On a completely different note, today I've been getting in the christmas spirit.
I've been making mince pies from scratch - pastry is really just fat and flour, so I surprised myself just how quickly I got baking. However, (after dad told me he hated deep filled mince pies) I made the mistake of over filling the pies, so that when they came out, the edges were covered in a sticky, bubbling tar of mixture. And the stickiness was bloody hot, and I burnt my fingers while I was trying to prise the crumbling pastry out of the tray.

Although I'm still optimistic - bit of icing sugar sprinkled over the top, and they'll be fineeeeeeeeee.
(I hope.)

Friday 14 December 2007

Wish I'd gone to Top Gear instead

I'm having a bad day. I could moan at length about why I feel completely crap, but I won't because it would bore the pants of anyone within a ten mile radius.

Let's just say I'm disappointed. Let's just say I have that horrible feeling in my gut when you don't get something you really, really want. You kind of feel like crying (I'm a bit of a freak in that I don't cry so much when I'm sad, but when I'm frustrated or angry, which only makes me look like a wet blanket, when I am trying to be fierce.)

The reason for the title of this post is that I passed up the chance to go see Top Gear for the chance to get something I really wanted. Now I've found out that I'm not going to get what I want, and I've missed Top Gear. And it wasn't just any TG - this had David Tennant driving the reasonably priced car, yes David Tennant of Doctor Who fame, yes Doctor Who, a programme which I really, really like. (Although I am not part of the facebook group that wants to do some v. dodgy things to Mr. Tennant and his sonic screwdriver......)

So now, I'm cheesed off and I've bored the pants of everyone with my moaning. I really should stop using this blog to moan. I either moan on it, or write complete rubbish, and just switch between the two. I try to write interesting stuff, but I get self-conscious or worried about whether anyone will actually read this rubbish, which they won't.

Anyway, now that I've managed to combine rubbish and moany blogs, I think my job is done.

Monday 19 November 2007

Magic Mushrooms

I saw these beauties while out walking the dogs a couple of days ago, when it was all frosty:)

Friday 9 November 2007

Getting that sinking feeling...

Turning on the TV this morning I was gutted to see the places I visited on holiday a couple of weeks ago under water!

This was Southwold:

It was lovely place - the huts along the front were lovingly painted and had twee little signs hanging above the door. There was this great metal clock/sculpture thing at the end of the pier that did something special every half hour (I don't know what though!) Plus there was a shop that selled lots of smartie-patterned stuff and woolly hats, and an over-priced restaurant on the pier. We sat behind the cafe's glass windbreaks and had some cake one afternoon - it was great watching the sea and seeing it in between the crack in the pier boards.

This is what Southwold now looks like:

I really feel for those hut-owners, their pride and joy being destroyed. I imagine that the pier will survive, but the little shops and cafe will be flooded, maybe even damaged beyond repair.
Having already witnessed floods (see below) of a different kind, I've got that kind of bittersweet feeling again.
I feel happy remembering my time spent in Southwold, but then sad that it's not how it used to be.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Holiday selection

Thanks to my recent lack of time (although I've recently moved from a full-time to a part-time job, so in theory I should have lots of free time) I have decided to just post a selection of my holiday snaps and leave it at that. I've got so many things I want to blog about, but I keep thinking I must sort out the holiday stuff before I start. So although my blog is not going to set world alight, I hope the few people who do see it enjoy my photos. And hopefully there will be plenty more to come!

Exterminate! Exterminate! Unless you have been living under a rock for quite a while, you will know this is a dalek.I know it sounds incredibly sad, but I am a bit of a Doctor Who fan so while we were in the Forest of Dean I went to the Doctor Who exhibition in Cardiff.

On my travels I found that Chobham is not the only place that sells animal bread. (See Badger's post for the original animal bread story.)

While in Wales I had ate lots of tasty food like welsh cakes and celtic crunch icecream (it's the dragon's favourite apparently) but I think my favourite welsh food was bara brith. I first tried it in Cwmtydu (cum-tidd-eee) where a really nice couple had turned the front of their home into a little cafe. They were selling lots of homemade biscuits and cakes including this bara brith which tasted great. This is their website: and if you're ever in the area then it is well worth a visit! (They also are pet-friendly, which the dogs thought was great!)

I saw these dogs (which are part of the local hunt) at a horse show in Aberystwyth - I thought they looked like leggy versions of Alfie and Lettie!

While I was on holiday it was my birthday:) I was in Wales at the time, and of all the places to find cake, mum bought this in the Aberystwyth post office! It was made by the local WI, and was highly recommended by the lady in the pound shop down the road.....

On one of the few rainy days of the holiday, I went to New Quay Honey Farm. If you've ever enjoyed taking photographs, you'll know what a pain taking pictures through glass can be, and the viewing cases which held the bees (don't get me wrong, I don't think I would have enjoyed meeting free range bees) were no exception. So hence I am quite proud of this photo.

And finally a lovely view......
(This is at the top of Britain's tallest cliff railway!)

Thursday 27 September 2007

Friday 14 September 2007

Holiday blog - a long time coming!

Every picture tells a story - and this was me photographing the Severn bridge on our way to the Forest of Dean.

Am I the only person who hangs out the window to take a good photograph?

P.s. May have to add more later as I am supposed to be resting, but trying to be a rebel is starting to make me feel rather sick.......

'Ear, 'ear

I have been neglecting my blog lately, mainly because I have discovered facebook (which deserves it's own entry) but now I think I have time to write about my holiday, complete with photos (yes, photos!)

The reason is that the world has gone rather giddy because I have a middle ear infection. So it feels like I am writing my blog in a sailing boat or on a rather bumpy train. It was pretty scary when it started because I was up in London by myself on a workshop (this will also deserve it's own entry) , and today the doctor said that I could have attacks of wobbly-ness up to a month after it started . I am quite upset because I am missing a workshop today, but fingers crossed I will be ok for my last workshop tomorrow. (Although, after my mum had to race up on the train to come and collect me yesterday, I will have to be accompanied if I feel well enough to go.)

So now I have to sit very still to stop the wobbly-ness, which is a bit of a problem because I am such a fidget!

Monday 27 August 2007


Blimey, I've just realised that I haven't blogged in ages. So much has happened in the last three weeks that my head is only just catching up. For the first fortnight I was on hols - so I have loads to write about that, and I want to start adding my photos to my blog (I've been too scared to before because I have had a bad experience with someone taking my photos) but I want to find that little bit of html that stops you from pulling a picture off the page. If anyone could point it out to me, then that would be great:)

Sunday 22 July 2007

Little Miss Sunshine

As I am writing this blog, I am sitting in the garden in the glorious sunshine (the wonder of wireless networks for you) and staring at the big, blue sky.

Anyway, I've finally managed to watch the two dvds I got yesterday. (Dad had nicked them after all that.) One was Music and Lyrics, the Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore romantic comedy (my sister's choice, not mine) and the other was a film called Little Miss Sunshine which I had seen a trailer for months ago, but it looked too kooky to amuse my sis.
Little Miss Sunshine is about a quirky little girl called Olive who gets put through to the final of the little Miss Sunshine contest when the winner of the regional contest pulls out. So her family all pile into their trusty yellow VW camper van and head for California for the competition final. But it's not all sweetness and light as each family member is flawed in their own way - her grandad has been kicked out his retirement home for taking drugs, her uncle has tried to commit sucide after his gay lover ran off with another man, her dad is a rubbish motivational speaker who is close to bankrupcy, her teenage brother has taken a vow of silence and hates the world, and her mum is just fed up!
Ok - it doesn't sound like a barrel of laughs, but it was rather cool, because it was different in a good way. And despite all the heavy issues that the characters were dealing with, it was still funny. So go watch it!

Saturday 21 July 2007

S is for.......

I haven't been to the cinema for ages (I think the last film I saw was Pirates 2) so I decided to see new movie, Hairspray. After yesterday, it sounded perfect for me - it's more bubblegum for the brain than thought-provoking, it has dancing, music, there may be a few hotties, and John Travolta dresses up as woman. What more could you want!;)

Anyway, I plucked up the courage to go to our local Odeon (because I don't enjoy being stuck in the Saturday afternoon shopping crush) and we started to queue up for the tickets inside, as they slapped a stupid charge on you if you pre-order tickets online. Anyway, we finally got to the front of the line, and I told the guy at the desk that I wanted two tickets for the 3.15 performance. Then he smiled, and chuckled.
"Do you know what S is for?" he said. It seemed that he was itching to tell the punchline of his joke, so I played along.
"What does S stand for?" I replied.
" Sold out!"
Oh, how I laughed.
At that moment what I would liked to have done is jump over the desk, get the cheeky bugger in a headlock and demand that he FIND me and my sister a seat. And inform him that he should not mess with me, as I have a blog, and I'm not afraid to use it. (Of course what I actually did was exit as quietly and quickly as possible.)

So after that we decided to go and pick up a couple of dvds, get some yummy toffee popcorn and start up our own home cinema. Unfortunately, when I went to get the dvds I met someone who I went to school with over 10 years ago. My mind went blank as per usual when she asked me how I was, and I wittered about my job, and then she said she worked in a library. I honestly wasn't trying to be nasty, but I said "oh when I was little I used to want to work in a library." I didn't mean it in a bad way, really I didn't.

Anyway, we got home and opened the popcorn, and put the dvd in the player. Nothing happened. After studying the back of the tv - we realised that there was a cable missing. We reckon the culprit was dad, so he will be in lots of trouble tomorrow. Meanwhile I have scoffed a lot of toffee popcorn, and feel rather sick........

Friday 20 July 2007

It's not a perfect day......

Today, has been a baaaaaaaaadddddd day at work.
The office has been flooded again. We got flooded last August, but I was on holiday and didn't see all the turmoil. Being so far away, I did feel pretty useless at the time, but there was nothing I could do.

This time I watched the river outside our door gradually rise, the sky turn almost black, and the heavens open. It stopped raining at midday, but the river kept creeping skywards. It was actually quite by chance that we realised the village was flooding, because two of my collegues went out to get pizza, and found that they couldn't get out.
So everything was packed away, computers have been taken home, most of us were wondering how we would get through the water, and my boss was praying it wouldn't flood. Badger was very good and gave me a lift to my local train station (because I didn't have my car), although her "mini raft" as she calls it, cut out on her way to work, so there was always the possibility that we were going to have to push it home!

Unfortunately, I missed my train, so sat on a bench outside a chemists waiting for my mum to come and pick me up. I must have looked a right sight, all dishevelled with my scruffy coat, big bag, an envelope stuffed full of paper, and the mug I put my pens in. (I couldn't leave it, could I!)
Anyway my mum took ages as the bottom of our village was closed because there had been a fatal accident, and then we gave a lift to a harassed mum who couldn't get to the village school and pick up her little girl. She told her that that was the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for her! Awwww.

The latest is that the office is under 6 inches of water, and rising. We are office-less again, but this time we have no where else to go.

Monday 16 July 2007

What makes us British

It's often said that Britain doesn't have an identity any more - that we're such a mix of different people that we don't have any national spirit, but today (in one of the weirdest places possible) at Thorpe Park I felt that perhaps British-ness hasn't completely died out.

It's all because of those annoying theme park queues. As my dad said "the british are the only ones who would pay to queue" and queue we did. I spent half an hour waiting for X: NO WAY OUT, and 70 minutes waiting for Loggers Leap in line with people from every walk of life. The waiting was stupid because it was hot and extremely boring, but apart from the annoying man on the tannoy telling us NOT to sit on the fence (well if you had been standing for over an hour, you would want to rest your feet) no one was cross, or shouting, or fighting. Everyone just waited their turn, and accepted that they would get on the ride some time this year.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to go on Thorpe Park's new ride, Stealth (a rollercoaster that goes from 0-80mph in 2.3 seconds) because there was a 3 hour queue for an approx. 15 second ride.

On the way home, I heard someone chatting on their phone saying that they spent most of the say queuing, and only went on 3 rides! Now that would test my patience to the extreme!

Saturday 14 July 2007

Bored Games?

Last night there was nothing on the TV (as per usual) so me and my sister were at a loose end. So we did what any "cool dude" would do - we played scrabble.

Now my sister has NEVER played scrabble, because basically it reminds her too much of the dreaded L-word (Learning) but she actually did really well.

We didn't set the world alight with our vocab (my high score words included wimp & files) but it was good.

Friday 13 July 2007

Things might be better

I haven't written on my blog for ages, but I think in some small ways things are looking up.

* I have my car back, hooray! I do go through stages of hating it, and it must have the world's tiniest engine, but who cares? It's my car, I have it back. Now all I have to do is gain the confidence to drive it by myself:S

* When I logged onto my blog, I found a lovely comment from The Cornish Cowgirl on my last post. "Sometimes life is crap. Take joy in the little things that you have control over." It made me smile, because that is exactly what I should be doing. Perhaps I should put it on a t-shirt, lol.

* I've discovered animal bread! (Post coming soon)

* I just feel a bit happier, don't know why because........

* The insurance company who buggered up fixing my car is playing up, now that we are trying to get back some of the money my mum and dad had to spend while I didn't have my car. Both them, and the Cowboy mechanics are lying through their teeth, just to try and get out of taking responsibilty. They offered me about £200 for them turning a 3 week job into a 6 month job! Grrrrrrr.

* Two nice people are leaving my workplace (Not that I blame them).

* And my weekend holiday has been cancelled because it is going to POUR! I understand that the weathermen/ladies can't control the weather, but why do they have to be so smug when the weather is awful?

Sunday 24 June 2007

lol, lol

I've just been reading my past posts - and I sound really depressed. My sister recently said that I look depressed and unhappy most of the time. Perhaps I do, but I can't smile all the time!

Wednesday 23 May 2007

I need a hug

After the traumas of last night, I think I am having a bad day. Here are the reasons.

1. My hair, again - I have screwed it up, tied it right back, and popped on a headband. I still feel a little teary and depressed about it this morning. Mum has booked the new hairdresser to come tomorrow evening to fix it, which has made me concerned that I will get a worse fringe (if that is possible) which will be shorter and harder to hide. Fingers crossed, touch wood and all that, that it goes ok tomorrow.

2. My car, for the 100th time - the morons at my insurance company allege that my car is all straightened out, and have the cheek to say they are sending it back to the cowboys who tried to fix it in the first place. I have told my mother in no uncertain terms that if they try to move my car from the good garage then I will sit on the bonnet and refuse to move. My parents are fed up with this too, and I don't think they would stop me. I'm that annoyed.

3. Work - my hand hurts because I spent most of the day taking something off a dictaphone (which was over 3000 words) and now I have a blister on the inside of my thumb, and my joints ache. It REALLY hurts, and now it even hurts to type. So as you can imagine I am shouting OUCH periodically as I write this.

4. Life in general - why not?

I don't know why everything is annoying me - perhaps I am hormonal? It's easy to blame a lot on hormones, but I do go from wanting to cry my eyes out over my hair to throttling my father when he is being sooooooo picky about my driving, which he can't see dents my fragile confidence.

I need a hug.

Tuesday 22 May 2007

Horrible Hair

My hair has traumatised me - the reason? I've had a hair cut. We've had to have a new hairdresser because our old one is busy, and although my old hairdresser messed up my hair, she was starting to get it right. My fringe is horrible, it is virtually vertical, and covering my eye which I hate. I know I sound like a right drama queen, but I don't want to look at myself in the mirror or even touch my hair at the moment. I would quite happily rip all my hair out if that made me feel any happier. (Although I don't think I would look nice as a skinhead.) My hair is one of the few things that make me look nice, and I don't know why, but it really upsets me when haircuts go wrong. I suppose it's not really the new hairdressers fault, but her chatter didn't exactly help. I told her that I didn't have any GCSEs or qualifications because of my knee, and her reply was, "oh so you're lucky to have your job then" like I was thick. Nice. Then she asked me about whether I was going out with my friends at the weekend, and whether I have a boyfriend. "No" I said. I felt like saying "I'm not in touch with any of my old school friends because once I was partically disabled, they didn't want to know, and no, I don't have a boyfriend because all the guys I have encountered so far are morons with the IQ of an amoeba, and why do I need a boyfriend any way because I don't need one to make my life complete."
Of course I didn't say anything of that, and make some excuses, as well as explaining why I didn't go out drinking. Oh dear, I do sound like I am putting her down, and she was a lovely girl, but her choice of questions wasn't brilliant.

Thursday 17 May 2007

What is normal?

I wrote in an email the other day, that "I talk to dogs better than I talk to people". Although I don't have endless conversations with my dogs, it got me thinking. Sometimes (well most of the time) I prefer dogs to people. People are complicated, and most of the time I worry about saying the wrong thing. Some of the time I think I sound weird, even though people say I come across as confident. I sometimes can't find the right words, or I don't say what I mean. The words flow fluidly in my head - it's just having the confidence to say things out loud. I shouldn't really complain because I used to have zero confidence, and I just wouldn't have been able to do the stuff I'm doing now. I used to dream of a normal life when I was down, and it makes me feel a little teary to think that in some ways I have achieved that. People take normality for granted - but I never will.

Monday 14 May 2007

dum de dum

At first I couldn't think what to write about - well what has happened in my life recently.
Then I remembered my car.
It has been 17 weeks since my car crash, and they STILL haven't fixed my car. After 17 weeks I now have a courtesy car - they couldn't even get the model of that right! Grrrrrrrr.

I swear that driving will take a few years off my life, as it stresses me out so much. I feel even worse when I have to drive by myself - my driving instructor says that I need a blow-up doll to sit beside me in the passenger seat - like Anita did in Dinnerladies to make her feel secure in the car. Her doll was called Malcolm - I don't think I'm quite ready for an inflatable friend quite yet!

(Found a car-shaped stress ball while looking for a picture for this entry - perhaps that might help!)

Brilliant Badger

This week's "Post of the Week" is written by Badger -

I wish I could blog as well as Badger - she maintains she can't write, which is utter tosh!

Saturday 5 May 2007

It's been a while.

I haven't written anything on my blog for a while - don't really know why, I'm just out of the habit. I thought I could write about a few bits and pieces that have been going on lately to try and get myself back in the habit. (Sounds like a great title for a movie about nuns!)

Today I drove a car for the first time since my crash. It was a pretty big deal for me, as being involved in a car crash shatteredd my confidence. I thought I might freak out in front of my driving instructor, but luckily I was surprisingly calm. It was helped by the fact that I got to drive the mini again, which is my favourite car. Just can't afford one, and the insurance is excruciating! It's probably going to be even more out of reach for me after my crash. It's been four months and I still haven't got my car back. (The car that I saved up forever for, and bought new.) Perhaps instead of thinking I could buy something nice, I should have just spent the money on a lifetime's supply of sweets, or just set alight to it:(

I know that I really should have written about my holiday, but I really can't be bothered.

I voted on the 3rd, and it turns out I accidently voted for a complete twit.

There is so much I else I want to say, but I can't really. Although no one will probably ever read my blog in a million years, I still can't write what I'm thinking. Other wise I might be in deep do-do!

Sunday 15 April 2007

Pine Fresh

On the way home from our walk this morning I could smell something which reminded me of those pine scented air freshners. I thought it was my little girl dog because even though we gave her a bath yesterday, and she was beautifully white she had a good roll in something. Anyway, this smell was really strong, and it was still puzzling me until I sat down to read a book. I ran my fingers through my fringe, and there was all this sticky stuff. Where I had walked under all the pine trees this morning some of their sap must have fallen on my head. ewww. It took two attempts with some shampoo to wash out the goo - I'm not impressed. Mum says there are worst things to smell of.
She has a point.

Saturday 14 April 2007

Canterbury caravanning

As you can probably tell from the title, we go on holiday in a caravan. I know it sounds old fashioned, boring and seriously uncool, but I don't care. It's fun - and most people who know me probably realise that I am never going to be a trend setter. I leave that to my sister. Having a caravan is like being a tortoise in many ways. You take your own little home with you, and it's a little hard to go anywhere fast with a larger model. Although it is sometimes quite funny holding up all the traffic, and watching people getting frustrated because we're hogging the road. I think I might have a twisted sense of humour.
Anyway, as I said caravanning is great, but because I have so many bits and pieces floating about in my head from the holiday, I'm going to write them down as I feel like it. It's easier this way.

Well, I'm back.

I've been away on holiday for a week, and now I'm back. It wasn't the best holiday in the world, but it's not the worst one I've had either.

I've got so much I want to write, but I don't feel like taking the time at the moment. I think I need another holiday to recover from this one.

Saturday 31 March 2007


I'm so used to answering the phone at work - saying the company name, transfer people if needs be etc. It's really hard to stop myself at home going into auto-pilot. However, the phone rang today. "Hello" I said (things going ok so far) the person on the other end wanted to speak to mum "I'll just put your through." Oops! What a dipstick I am! Perhaps the person on the other end of the phone thought we had a million phone lines, or that my mum had a PA.

She's still moaning!

On Thursday I mentioned that my sister was bugging my mum and dad about a trampoline. Three days later she is still going on about it! She could moan for England, and that is how she gets her own way most of the time. She does my head in with her whinging and shouting. I think she has to shout over her friends at school to be heard, so she thinks it's ok to do the same at home. It's not. It's annoying, and I don't like it.

Friday 30 March 2007

Love is......

Today I have learnt that (in some cases) love is not only blind, but deaf, stupid and in denial as well.

I have decided that if I never find true, everlasting love I shall buy a farm and become one of those sweet little old ladies who has lots of dogs or runs an animal sancturary. It's not that bad - I'd rather that than be tied to a creep who makes my skin crawl.

Hey ho, some people just can't be helped.

Wednesday 28 March 2007

Trampoline Tantrum

I got an email at work this afternoon from mum, who was tearing her hair out. My sister had come home wanting to practice on a trampoline for PE tomorrow, and she wanted my dad to either nick our neighbour's trampoline, get out our old one which has seen better days (which dad refused to do) or go to B&Q and buy a new one! When mum was writing the email she had gone outside and started jumping on the grass - stating that if she hurt herself it would be Mum's fault. How selfish is that? She's still in a mood, and we've had a big row, because I don't think it's fair for her to demand anything and everything she wants. Things have been said, and mum has walked out because she's had enough of our bickering. Fair point, but sometimes Lucy should act her age and not her shoe size!

Also, on a completely different subjects the doggies are coming to work with me tomorrow to show how dog-friendly we are, although dogs are really banned from the office since it has been re-done. I really hope they behave themselves, fingers crossed!

Monday 26 March 2007


At the moment I am really craving sugar. I mean I really want something like icecream, biscuits, something sweet and crunchy.
My body is intolerant to sugar, and if I don't watch it I'll become diabetic, which I really don't want. I've been pigging out lately, and I know I really should be good. I don't want to become diabetic like my granny was. I've known people who have died from diabetes because they wouldn't give up the food they loved.

It's really hard - people say I have good self control, but I don't think that's always true. It's really hard to say no to biscuits and stuff when they are sitting right in front of you. It's hard at work because we have take away days which are great, but I can't resist the bad food when it's sitting right in front of me. Not that I'm complaining. I love pizza days. My favourite is Pepperoni passion (without any veggies).

I must stop talking about food because it makes it worse. Mum says that it's good that I'm craving sugar because it means it's coming out of my system. Dad says I should eat more vegetables.

Secret Santa

My sister is busy writing our food shopping list, and top of the list is an easter egg. I thought she wanted it to herself, but she informs me that she is doing a "secret Santa" at school. I point out to her that it can't be a Secret Santa because it's not Christmas. Then I ask her how many people are doing SS. "Four", she replies.
So now it's a: Not Secret Santa Because It's Easter With Only Four People Taking Part.

I find this pointless, but she won't hear of it, and tells mum I'm picking on her.
Mum sighs, and tells her that she's not listening to either of us.

Sunday 25 March 2007

My little sis:')

I showed my sister what I wrote about her getting into college - she was v. embarrassed that I had written that stuff about her. Maybe she didn't believe me.

Whatever I wrote, she still thinks that blogs are boring - but then what does she know!

Lack of inspiration

While I'm writing my blog, I am supposed to be working on my distance learning course. I am so frustrated with it - it's unbelievable!

I do like writing (hence the blog) but when I sit down and start to write the words fail me. I get serious writer's block, but more to the point I would rather be doing something, anything else than have to sit down and concentrate. The weekends are supposed to be fun.

The rest of the clan have evacuated the building, and I'm looking after the doggies, so I should take this opportunity of peacefulness to study. I just don't want to!

I think I have started wittering now - my mum says I witter away sometimes, so I am going to shut up (in cyber terms) and try and do something useful with my free time.

It's still not fun though.

Chocolat - the film not the sweet that it

Last night I watched this really great film called Chocolat - it said on the listing that it starred Johnny Depp (which a good enough reason to watch any film) but it took an hour for him to appear in the film. How can you call that "starring"? Plus he was way down the credits, and Judi Dench who was also in the film could probably be considered a bigger star.

It's the little things that are annoying.

Saturday 24 March 2007

Meet the Robinsons

There's a new film out called "Meet the Robinsons" - it's nothing spellbounding, but I love the dinosaur that belongs to the baddie!

On the trailer, the baddie (who looks like Dick Dastardly) asks "Why aren't you seizing them?" And the dinosaur replies rather pitfully "Rirafraa rittle read, rand rall rarms" which translates as "I have a big head and little arms." It makes me and my sister laugh every time we see it!

It's v. obvious I am a rather sad person:)

See the trailer for yourself:

I am so proud!

My little sister has won a place at college today - admittedly she's not the most academic person in the world, but she is so creative that who could have refused her a place at any institute of education! I don't think I praise my sister that often - in fact I think I'm moody towards her most of the time and don't really appreciate her as much as I should. She is brilliant though, and although I think she is sometimes spoilt, I've actually realised she is really kind and sweet. I went off in a tizzy about losing my favourite bottle of nail polish and she went to the ends of the earth to try and find it. Then she painted my nails for me.
Maybe sometimes we think that people are one thing, but really they are nowhere near as bad as we thought they were. My sister is like that. Although there are just some people who are rotten to the core..............


I don't really know what to start writing about, so here goes. Well, actually let me come back to you, and think of something slightly interesting to say. I've already started two blogs which I got bored with really quickly, so let's hope it's third time lucky, and I can keep on writing!