Saturday 14 April 2007

Canterbury caravanning

As you can probably tell from the title, we go on holiday in a caravan. I know it sounds old fashioned, boring and seriously uncool, but I don't care. It's fun - and most people who know me probably realise that I am never going to be a trend setter. I leave that to my sister. Having a caravan is like being a tortoise in many ways. You take your own little home with you, and it's a little hard to go anywhere fast with a larger model. Although it is sometimes quite funny holding up all the traffic, and watching people getting frustrated because we're hogging the road. I think I might have a twisted sense of humour.
Anyway, as I said caravanning is great, but because I have so many bits and pieces floating about in my head from the holiday, I'm going to write them down as I feel like it. It's easier this way.